2018 Lab B.



A Unique Taiwanese Bubble Tea Experience

LAB B Experience

The Art Experience
Need a new tinder profile? Want to be instagram famous? We got you covered ;) Our Art Experience will include interactive installations to immerse you in a fantasized world of bubble tea. Take a dip in the bubble tea ball pit. Show your bubble tea love by bear hugging a gigantic bubble tea balloon. Capture a memory at the AR photo booth. Your friends will get serious FOMO for sure...

Tasting Room
We have created a room for a tasting journey with an in depth look into the history of bubble tea and offer tastings from some of New York’s finest boba shops. Originally Bubble tea was an accident but that opened the door for experimentation as it moved across the world and mingled together with each cities local flavor. Now bubble tea can be found anywhere from Taiwan to Akron Ohio each place with its own unique number of combinations.

The DIY Lab
In the lab you’ll experiment with different ingredients to create your very own, boba concoction. There will be experts on hand to give you some insight on the history of bubble tea so that you can create a unique recipe all your own. A one of a kind drink made to your own slurpy and sweet and chewy specifications.

Remember, bubble tea was born by accident and changed over time as people experimented. In our opinion, Best. Accident. Ever.
We are a collective of Taiwanese artist, writers and designers living in New York and interested in sharing our Taiwanese culture through immersive experiences and installations all around NYC. In our latest exhibition, Lab B, we are exploring the culture and spirit of Taiwanese experimentation and self-expression through our countries most popular culinary export — boba, or bubble tea — the sweet tea drink studded with bouncy tapioca balls that fans slurp up through famously over-sized, technicolor straws.

我們是一群來自台灣,在紐約尋找舞台的設計人。在這個多元文化各自鮮明的世界舞台,我們想藉由從台灣輸出,在世界各地發揚光大的珍珠奶茶作為媒介,設計出台灣文化專屬的聲音與姿態。於是Lab B誕生了。珍珠奶茶,Bubble Tea代表的是台灣人對食物的實驗精神,原本是茶、奶與珍珠的組合,在不同種類的茶與調味方式的包容下,各自展現自成一格的風味,就像我們一樣,帶著自己的民族個性,在紐約這個大城市,受各種不同文化的衝擊與包容,調味成我們今天的樣貌。不帶任何偏見,我們歡迎你一起加入這個實驗,調出屬於你自己的珍奶。
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